

Well, hello there... long neglected blog. It's been a month. I haven't typed words here for the entire month of October. This month blew by like leaves carried on strong gusts of wind... with change in the air and color dancing across our eyes. 

This month held birthdays. Travels. Writing Naturally. Mentoring. School days. Sick days. Days. There has been much going on both on and offline. And it's all been good

Writing Naturally: October was an experience I will not soon forget. I was able to witness openings, awakenings, growth, and many ahha moments for the writers who participated. Amazing. {a few of the participants had some incredibly kind things to say about the course, they're over there on the "testimonials" page, look to the top and to the left!} There will be a Writing Naturally: Winter session, I'm thinking in January. Stay tuned... 

I'm sitting here with a cup of earl grey, and my novel from last November printed out. My trusty plain old college rule notepad that holds notes on where I wanted to go with the story, the second story line that needs to be woven through... 

Last year as many of you know the kids and I had Lyme, and I was on serious antibiotics for most of the month of November. It was not a pleasant experience... but during that experience I was also writing my heart out for NaNoWriMo. After November I took a break, and tried many times to go back to my story. I couldn't. I ended up having almost a physical reaction every time I opened up the file. I kept remembering the physicality of November, and it really doesn't have anything to do with writing. It's all tied up and meshed together in my head: the Lyme, the medicine, the fatigue and aches and pains and other issues, the story, the words.... 

And so this year I'm determined to move forward. Today I reprinted the story, and I'm excited. The kids can't stop talking about Halloween, and I can't stop thinking about how Saturday is the beginning of NaNoWriMo 2014! I'm going to rewrite my story, without feeling sick to my stomach every time I look at the stack of papers or open my computer. I'm going to push through. Because the story is there. It won't let me go. There's so much work to do, so many words to write {ahem... 50,000...} and it's going to happen. 

As long as it's been, as many gaps as there are on this blog, time wise, I still adore this space. I may not be a consistent blog writer any longer, but in this season of more work than blog it's nice to know it's still here. This space. I have a feeling it won't be another month before I'm back...