
If you've spent any time reading this little blog, you're well aware that my family and I have a love affair with the coast of Maine. Last week we spent five nights camping at Blackwoods Campground in Acadia National Park. We could hear the fog horn and lobster boats as we were snuggled in our sleeping bags, and the scent of campfire mixed with salt air will forever hold a special place in our hearts. We marveled at the power of waves as they crashed against slabs of pink granite. We stood in awe of mountains. We gasped at the sight of a lighthouse standing on the cliff, so perfectly picture postcard Maine it might make you sick if it wasn't so beautiful. 

Our timing was perfect, both weather wise and in our school year. The kids and I needed a break and time to reevaluate how our year has been going thus far, what changes need to be made, what to drop and leave behind and what to focus on. Every year a few weeks into the "school year" I find that I need to back off on what I think the kids need to be learning, and focus on their strengths and interests in order to keep everyone happy and learning and thriving. A bit of perspective is never a bad idea.

In any case.... back to Acadia. The weather was beautiful. Chilly nights, but days warmed by the sun and sweaters. We seemed to do a bit of everything: Sand Beach, the Ocean Walk, Thunder Hole, Bar Harbor, the Ship Harbor Trail, Bass Harbor Light, Seawall for a picnic, Eagle Lake, hiked South Bubble Mountain and tried to knock over Balance Rock- like thousands of other we were unsuccessful, Jordon Pond and Seal Cove. 

Last night I stood in the shower and as the hot water ran down from my head to my feet I could almost see a layer of soot from the campfires fall down my skin. As the smell of woods and fire escaped down the shower drain it I closed my eyes and wished for a moment that it wouldn't all wash off. That it would stay. And so, I won't wash my sweater that I wore half the week, at least for a while. I'll hold onto the smell and the memories of snuggling in close with my husband on chilly mornings, listening to the campground come alive. Until next time... and there most certainly will be a next time. Oh Acadia, you have added countless lines to the love poem we are writing back and forth with the coast of Maine.

















If you've signed up for Writing Naturally: October, you'll get an extra dose of Acadia as I'm planning on using many of the photos in my daily emails. 
Registration is open for one more week. 
We begin on October 6th...