March's list is diverse and full of both fiction and non fiction. Here we go...
1. Etched on Me: A Novel
by Jenn Crowell
This novel was absolutely hearbreaking. I cried several times, and cringed through passages that if it were a movie I would have covered my eyes and hoped for the best, all the while expecting the worst. But the beauty of this book is that there's hope. Even if the main character can't find it, the minor characters that support her most certainly give and hold hope for her. A brilliant read, but be warned that the subject matter is difficult and you will find yourself raging at the injustice of bureaucracy...
2.This Perfect Mess
by Melanie Haney
I met Melanie several years ago through blogging, and I've had the absolute pleasure of getting to know her in person and call her my friend. When I saw that she had self published a collection of short stories and essays I ordered it right away. Focusing on motherhood, Melanie has an honest way of sharing her truths, from the difficult to the beautiful and everything between. I love her writing, and will read anything that she puts out into the world!
3.The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
by Marie Kondo
This book... I wanted to love it. And I liked it very much! But I did find that some of her practices were difficult to implement in a house with (relatively) small children. I did use her method for my clothing, which was an incredible process. It was so freeing to look at what I had in terms of what brought me joy, and the rest went out the door! I felt so much lighter after! What I took away from the book was the concept of only keeping what brings you joy, and I've moved through the house keeping that in mind, but also taking consideration the rest of the family. I'd love to do a whole sweep of the house, but I'm realizing that I'm not the one with the hoarding tendencies... if you catch my drift... and I'm working with the kids on this issue. What's interesting to me is what the kids say brings them joy. We went through their playroom and while there was a lot more left than I would have liked, they were able to weed down a bit. Long story short, I enjoyed the book, but found the author a bit... immature... but the concepts are certainly applicable to any household.
4.Flicker (The Shine on Trilogy) (Volume 1)
by Anya Monroe
As mentioned last month, I enjoy Anya's books tremendously! This was no different, and I'm looking forward to reading the next two books in the trilogy... but I'm trying to pace myself! I found the characters believable, and enjoyed their journeys to find purpose and light... and just like her other books - this wasn't a predictable ride!
5.Splinters of Light
by Rachel Herron
I've read most of Rachel Herron's other work, and this was one of my favorite books that she's written. I've watched her writing career, from her first memoir to her steamy knitting inspired fiction {seriously, it's a thing!} and then her exploration into more.... serious... fiction. Splinters of Light was another heartbreaking story. It centered around a mother who finds out she has early onset Alzheimer's, and how it plays out with her and her family. While this was a heavy story, there was Herron's trademark humor to help pull us through.
6.Dear Thief: A Novel
by Samantha Harvey
Oh boy. I loved the beginning of this book, and the language throughout. Samantha Harvey's writing reminds me of Jeanette Winterson... that luxurious use of words that capture emotion so masterfully. Ultimately the language and writing kept me reading, though by the second half I was bored and was fairly annoyed that the story kept going... BUT it's worth a try. With lines like:
“When I got you home and we asked where you had been, you said, ‘I’ve been in an elevator, going up and down.’ So we sat you out in the garden at the mossy table and gave you tea, and asked you again. ‘I’ve been in an elevator, looking for love.’ ‘For two years?’ we asked. ‘Love is hard to find.”
how could you not enjoy this book even just a little?
7.Beautiful Ruins: A Novel
by Jess Walter
It took a few chapters for me to get into this one, but ultimately I loved it. I loved changing time line, the different perspectives, and the many - many - story lines that were all tied up together to make this gift of a book. The story spans decades, and was so fun to read... and now I want to watch Cleopatra... if you've read this you'll know why!
8.Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
by Cheryl Strayed
I didn't love Wild, Cheryl Strayed's memoir, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. I was blown away. Strayed writes with such honesty. The advice she gives in her columns is what you'd want your best friend to tell you... only you probably wouldn't listen because it's hard to take at times but it is ultimately all so true. The humanity that is shown in the pages - both from the letters that people write to her and her responss are eye opening, and heartwarming. All I can really say is: read this book, you won't be sorry.
“I'll never know, and neither will you, of the life you don't choose. We'll only know that whatever that sister life was, it was important and beautiful and not ours. It was the ghost ship that didn't carry us. There's nothing to do but salute it from the shore.” ~ Cheryl StrayedThis novel was absolutely hearbreaking. I cried several times, and cringed through passages that if it were a movie I would have covered my eyes and hoped for the best, all the while expecting the worst. But the beauty of this book is that there's hope. Even if the main character can't find it, the minor characters that support her most certainly give and hold hope for her. A brilliant read, but be warned that the subject matter is difficult and you will find yourself raging at the injustice of bureaucracy...
2.This Perfect Mess
I met Melanie several years ago through blogging, and I've had the absolute pleasure of getting to know her in person and call her my friend. When I saw that she had self published a collection of short stories and essays I ordered it right away. Focusing on motherhood, Melanie has an honest way of sharing her truths, from the difficult to the beautiful and everything between. I love her writing, and will read anything that she puts out into the world!
3.The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
This book... I wanted to love it. And I liked it very much! But I did find that some of her practices were difficult to implement in a house with (relatively) small children. I did use her method for my clothing, which was an incredible process. It was so freeing to look at what I had in terms of what brought me joy, and the rest went out the door! I felt so much lighter after! What I took away from the book was the concept of only keeping what brings you joy, and I've moved through the house keeping that in mind, but also taking consideration the rest of the family. I'd love to do a whole sweep of the house, but I'm realizing that I'm not the one with the hoarding tendencies... if you catch my drift... and I'm working with the kids on this issue. What's interesting to me is what the kids say brings them joy. We went through their playroom and while there was a lot more left than I would have liked, they were able to weed down a bit. Long story short, I enjoyed the book, but found the author a bit... immature... but the concepts are certainly applicable to any household.
4.Flicker (The Shine on Trilogy) (Volume 1)
As mentioned last month, I enjoy Anya's books tremendously! This was no different, and I'm looking forward to reading the next two books in the trilogy... but I'm trying to pace myself! I found the characters believable, and enjoyed their journeys to find purpose and light... and just like her other books - this wasn't a predictable ride!
5.Splinters of Light
I've read most of Rachel Herron's other work, and this was one of my favorite books that she's written. I've watched her writing career, from her first memoir to her steamy knitting inspired fiction {seriously, it's a thing!} and then her exploration into more.... serious... fiction. Splinters of Light was another heartbreaking story. It centered around a mother who finds out she has early onset Alzheimer's, and how it plays out with her and her family. While this was a heavy story, there was Herron's trademark humor to help pull us through.
6.Dear Thief: A Novel
Oh boy. I loved the beginning of this book, and the language throughout. Samantha Harvey's writing reminds me of Jeanette Winterson... that luxurious use of words that capture emotion so masterfully. Ultimately the language and writing kept me reading, though by the second half I was bored and was fairly annoyed that the story kept going... BUT it's worth a try. With lines like:
“When I got you home and we asked where you had been, you said, ‘I’ve been in an elevator, going up and down.’ So we sat you out in the garden at the mossy table and gave you tea, and asked you again. ‘I’ve been in an elevator, looking for love.’ ‘For two years?’ we asked. ‘Love is hard to find.”
how could you not enjoy this book even just a little?
7.Beautiful Ruins: A Novel
It took a few chapters for me to get into this one, but ultimately I loved it. I loved changing time line, the different perspectives, and the many - many - story lines that were all tied up together to make this gift of a book. The story spans decades, and was so fun to read... and now I want to watch Cleopatra... if you've read this you'll know why!
8.Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
I didn't love Wild, Cheryl Strayed's memoir, so I wasn't sure what to expect from this book. I was blown away. Strayed writes with such honesty. The advice she gives in her columns is what you'd want your best friend to tell you... only you probably wouldn't listen because it's hard to take at times but it is ultimately all so true. The humanity that is shown in the pages - both from the letters that people write to her and her responss are eye opening, and heartwarming. All I can really say is: read this book, you won't be sorry.
9.The Rosie Project: A Novel
This was a cute story with a quirky narrator. I wanted to like it more than I actually did... I skimmed most of the second half because I wanted to know what happened, but I found the narrator very distracting and almost annoying {think Sheldon from The Big Bang theory... fun for 30 minutes at a time...} For this story I understand why the author chose to write it from the first person, and I appreciate being inside the character's head and some of the insights we gain from that. However, I think I would have preferred at least some sections to be third person - or even first, but from a different characters perspective. Again, a cute, light read!
10.Hausfrau: A Novel
This is one of those stories where the writing was much better than the story, but still it was such a well crafted book. You can tell the author is a poet, her words are crafted in such a way that they make you feel all the feels. It reminded me a bit of The Awakening by Kate Chopin {which I liked better... for the record...} I was rooting for the main character right up to the end, waiting for her redemption. I won't give any spoilers, but I will say that I was incredibly disappointed in the ending. I'm sure some will argue that it was the only way to end the book, to stay true to the character, but I'll argue that there's always another way. Regardless, this was a well crafted book, and as a writer I appreciated the structure and the writing style.
What are you all reading this month?
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