It's cold all of a sudden. Two, or was it three..., weeks ago we were wearing shorts, dipping our feet in the ocean... plunging arms down to grab sand dollars, and now it is hide in bed because of the chill cold. Transitions have been sudden this year. They happen without us realizing it, no matter how close we look at each moment, how long an afternoon seems. At the end of the week November will be here, and with it comes Nanowrimo. To be honest, I hoped to transition into a month long writing experiment gracefully. But in reality, I have been hoarding my words, keeping them close, as if doing so will help me spill 50,000 onto the page next month. I've been slow to respond to emails, slow to write here, slow to write grocery lists...
Diving into the serious writing life, the actual breathing life onto a page thing, is going to feel abrupt, I'm sure. I've lived with my main character for about a month, scribbling down few notes about her, but mostly playing out her life in my head. I have faith that the idea, the setting, the character, will all come together.
Today has been designated a play day. A forget the math lessons and grammar day. The kids have been running about outside, bread has been baked, a walk in the woods is planned for the afternoon. A little girl has playing fairies on the docket, a boy has trains on the brain. We are stepping back, seeing where we are and what is in the future. We are indulging each other today, for changes are on the horizon and and we all need a bit of fresh air and the knowledge of what is important to propel us forward... holding onto what is only necessary and what brings us joy, while leaving the rest behind.